Daniela Mondlane

Raised in Sweden and Mozambique. Lived in Mozambique for the last 5 years, where I worked as a freelance stylist, ran a restaurant and handled marketing for a clothing brand. I decided to move back to Sweden partly because of my separation from my partner, the pandemic, but also because I felt that I wanted another security for my future child. I was also at risk of having my baby prematurely, so I wanted the best care.

Occupation: Freelance stylist, marketer, and influencer
Residence: Ljungkile, Sweden
Family: Mother, father, twin sister, and an amazing 4-month-old daughter.
Instagram: @dani.mond
Currently: My Instagram @dani.mond where you can follow my life as a new single mother.

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Hi Dani! Thank you so much for meeting with us and for sharing your experiences. How are you feeling right now?

I'm feeling really good. I just moved to a new city and my mom is here visiting!

You're a new mom to a little girl who is 4 months old. Congratulations! I know that your journey to becoming a mom wasn't entirely straightforward and easy. Would you like to share a bit more?

Yes, you could say that. My partner and I weren't quite on the same page regarding the timing of the pregnancy. It’s not easy for me to get pregnant because I have endometriosis and a "double uterus," but I was ready to become a mom. We were also not in the best phase of our relationship at that time. We decided to separate and focus on having a good relationship since we were going to be parents. The hardest part was going through the "pregnancy journey" alone, not having anyone to share it with, the changes happening to the body, and everything that pregnancy entails.

What are your best tips for other moms who decide to have children on their own without any partner involved in the journey?

You can do it! It's easy to think, "Can I handle this on my own?" Answer: Yes! I think it's important to know that you are enough. Your little child doesn't need anyone else and you will do a great job. My little girl came a bit earlier than expected, so I was at the delivery alone. I actually found it really nice because I could focus entirely on myself and what needed to be done.

How do you think life has changed since you became a mom?

I'm generally a pretty calm person, but I think I've become even calmer since I became a mom. Maybe it has to do with changing priorities. Now that I have my own daughter, my perspective on my relationship with my mom has also changed. I appreciate and have more respect for the bond we share.


Do you have any life hacks to share that make everyday life smoother?

A baby wrap is your new best friend 😊. You and the baby are one, and a baby wrap makes it easier to move more freely around the house. My own daughter falls asleep quite easily in the wrap and sleeps longer since she can hear my heartbeat and my rhythm when I walk around. Plan to cook meals that can be prepared with one hand, hehe. There aren't many moments where you have both hands free these days, especially if the baby doesn't sleep when you've planned to eat. Therefore, plan to make food boxes, it definitely takes away some of the stress. Insider tip, there are pre-chopped onions in the freezer section at ICA 😉. So convenient when you're cooking with one hand.

Lastly, I have an evening routine that I started when my girl was just a month old. We go to bed no later than nine o'clock, and at bedtime, I rub coconut oil with a few drops of lavender oil on her chest. It calms her down and she understands that it's bedtime.

How do you find balance in life?

Balance in life is a bit relative, I think. Most of my days are spent taking care of my little girl. But if I have things that need to be done, I try to break them down and scale them back. You can't get everything done that you want to, and that just creates stress. On weekends, I try to plan some outings. Otherwise, every day can easily look the same.

You work as a freelance stylist, marketer, and influencer. How do you combine work with life as a mom?

Both styling and marketing jobs have taken a bit of a backseat since I became a mom. I have been fully focused on taking care of my daughter and myself. However, I have been able to take on influencer collaborations since my brand has now shifted to "new single mom." It has given me the opportunity to share my new everyday life and create content that involves family life instead. So that has worked quite well, I think!

What do you hope to pass on to your daughter?

To dare to pursue what you believe in and what feels right.

3 things you don't want to be without?

1. My Coracor baby wrap 2. My lavender oil 3. My thermos mug


Read more about other moms in the series Moms We Love here >