Linnéa Hellbom

Name: Linnéa Hellbom
Profession: Fashion model, hairstylist, and makeup artist
Background: Started working as a fashion model at the age of twelve for MIKAs, which took her around the world. She continued her journey in the fashion industry but on the other side of the camera as she trained to become a makeup artist. Along the way, she discovered the magic behind beautiful hair and went on to train as a hairstylist.
Residence: Saltsjöbaden, Sweden
Family: Husband Carl Michael and daughter Saga-Lo (five months old in the pictures)
Currently: Being a mother, modeling for Boob's autumn/winter 2019 collection, and training to be a hairdresser
Instagram: @linneahellbom

You recently became a mother to Saga-Lo, who is now five months old. How do you feel your life has changed?

It's quite amazing because life has obviously changed a lot. Suddenly, there's a new person in the family who decides everything, like when we sleep, eat, or just take a shower. At the same time, it feels incredibly natural that this is exactly how it should be. The big change has been finding myself and my role in the new family dynamic, both as a mother and a partner.


How did you experience your pregnancy?

My pregnancy was absolutely amazing; I've honestly never felt so good, and sometimes I even miss it, haha! I had some issues with my back because I was misaligned, and a nerve got pinched, but interestingly, I switched to the Boob Fast Food nursing bra halfway through my pregnancy, and the nerve pain disappeared after a few days!

You have worked as a model since you were twelve years old. What experiences have you gained from that?

Countless experiences! People often have very preconceived notions about what it's like to work as a model, but it's a very hard job that demands a lot from you. It has given me a strong work ethic as you always work in a team towards the same goal, and it's never a nine-to-five job; you work until everything is done, often late into the night. There are no real lunch breaks or breaks, so the model works continuously during that time. Traveling around the world has taught me a lot about other cultures, and I learned English solely through traveling. I could go on for a while, but these are some examples of the experiences I've gained.

What was it like to model while heavily pregnant for Boob's autumn/winter 2019 collection?

Absolutely fantastic! I've probably never been so well taken care of at a photoshoot before. Additionally, it was a fun experience to model with a protruding belly and to try not to suck it in all the time, haha. I also got a lot of inspiration from the team before and after the birth, plus I loved Boob's clothes so much that I've now filled half my wardrobe with them!

Mention three things you can't live without as a new mom?

My breast pump, baby slings, and my nursing clothes! Apart from that, I could do without anything else except diapers and some pajamas for the baby.

We know you are a big fan of lists and logistics. What are your three best tips for keeping daily life organized?

Get a meal subscription! We received it as a gift from my mother-in-law, and it was probably the best gift we've received. Not having to think about grocery shopping and what to make for dinner has really made our daily life easier; it saves both time and energy. Plus, we adults also eat proper meals; otherwise, it easily ends up being sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We have a meal subscription for four people, so there's leftover for lunch the next day as well, which is great!

Try to keep things organized among the baby items, let each thing have its place. We've organized the drawers with Saga-Lo’s things with smaller boxes so that we know where each item belongs. This makes it easier for whoever is at home.

Write priority lists and be open to them changing from day to day. What is really most important right now? I might have said yes to coffee with friends but need to prioritize two hours of sleep in the middle of the day instead. That's perfectly okay. It's also perfectly okay to skip that laundry time and watch Netflix all day instead. No one lives that perfect Instagram life with baking and flawless makeup with a happy kid in their arms.


What have been your favorite pieces of clothing during and after pregnancy?

I started using the Fast Food Bra already during pregnancy, and it worked wonders for my back! Afterwards, I've been living in my Amelia coverall since I started taking freelance jobs just six weeks after birth, and it feels so incredibly stylish and comfortable at the same time. My new favorite for the fall is the Signe dress with a pair of nice sneakers!

You are training to become a hairdresser. Do you have any quick tips for moms who have a “bad hair day” and are short on time?

We all know the magic of dry shampoo, but not everyone knows that there are different types of dry shampoos: some give texture to the hair, and others work as we might think a dry shampoo should; they absorb the oil from the hair. I would recommend getting a dry shampoo in the latter category since a texturizing dry shampoo can easily make your hair feel even dirtier if you use it a lot. If you have a light dry shampoo, you can spray it into freshly washed and dry hair to extend the feeling of freshly washed hair. Otherwise, a nice hair accessory is always a lifesaver for any hair! It can be a bit dirty and uncombed underneath. Plus, it's incredibly trendy right now!

You have lived in many places, such as Milan, London, Switzerland, and Cape Town. Do you have a favorite place you long to show your daughter?

I want to show her the whole world and discover the amazing planet we live on together. I especially want to show her nature, both in Sweden and around the world. Show her what an amazing artist Mother Earth is. I look forward to taking her to Cape Town when she's older; it's my absolute favorite place.

What does sustainability mean to you?

I think sustainability thinking permeates everything in daily life, where our food comes from, how much we consume, how we transport ourselves, etc. My husband has taught me to be much better at recycling, thinking twice before buying, and considering what I buy, to sell on and buy second-hand, etc. This became even more important when Saga-Lo came; we want to teach her to take care of our planet, and for us, it has become very important to find a preschool that teaches and works with a sustainability mindset.

How do you wish the world to be for your child to grow up in?

I hope that this generation grows up much more aware of sustainability, both in terms of nature and relationships. We live in a throwaway society, and I really hope we can manage to reverse that trend. I hope the world also learns acceptance as it grows and becomes kinder to our fellow human beings, our animals, and our nature.


What do you hope to pass on to your child?

A love for animals and nature, and always being kind without being walked over. I hope to teach her that you can be kind, tough, and fair all at the same time. I want her to feel that it is such a given that she is loved by me and my husband that she dares to throw herself into the world filled with curiosity and a desire to explore, knowing that there is always support from us when needed.

What is at the top of your wish list?

That Saga-Lo grows up healthy in a safe environment where she can develop into exactly who she is. Everything else is just a bonus!
