The Power of One

Moms are real-life superheroes, no doubt about it! Here we meet three women who share their experiences and thoughts about being a parent on their own.



Profession: Full-time student and running her own business in social media
Lives: Stockholm, Nacka
Instagram: @lisamariajonsson
Family: Daughter Sia

You became an unplanned mother with a man you were not in a relationship with, and you chose to keep the child even though he did not want to be involved. How did you decide to have a child on your own?

I really wanted to be a mother, so the family structure didn't matter.

What is the most challenging aspect of being a single parent?

It's tough to manage time. It's tough to just go shopping. It's important to prioritize what's most important!

What is the biggest advantage of being a single parent?

I get all the love for myself. Or well, most of it. Some goes to grandma too!


What is your best tip for someone considering having a child on their own?

Go for it! If it's a family you're waiting for, I think it's silly to wait for a romantic relationship. You can find that later if it's still interesting.

Describe your parenting style in three words?

Intense, fun, and loving.

What has parenthood taught you about yourself?

That I am much calmer than I thought I was. I have found a peace in myself that I had been searching for a long time, but what it took was Sia 🤍



Profession: Store manager
Lives: Visby, Sweden
Instagram: @dani.mond
Family: My daughter. Very close to my mother and twin sister.

During your pregnancy, you and your partner separated. How did you decide to continue the pregnancy on your own?

First and foremost, I got support from my family, my mother, and sister. I was 30 years old and felt that my biological clock was ticking. I also have difficulty getting pregnant, so it felt like it was "meant to be."

Your ex lives in Mozambique, and you have started a new life in Visby, Sweden. You work as a store manager and run your Instagram account. How do you manage everything?

By taking one day at a time and not being too hard on myself. But I also get help from my family.

What is your best tip for other single parents?

It may sound a bit cliché, but take one day at a time and focus on what you and your child need today.

Describe your parenting style in three words?

Joy, calm, energy.

What has parenthood taught you about yourself?

That I am a very calm person and with patience, you can go a long way.

What do you hope to pass on to your daughter?

To dare to pursue something you believe in and have fun!



Profession: Blogger
Lives: In a house in the forest in Borås, Sweden
Instagram: @theodoralarsson
Family: Children Leia 14, Cornelia 12, Jasper 10, and youngest Albus, whom I have with Anton.

You became a single mom when you were expecting your third child and then lived as a full-time single parent for six years with three children. What is the biggest challenge of being a single parent?

Everything was a challenge at first, like lack of sleep, routines, activities, finances, shopping, illnesses, etc. But for me, the bigger challenge was mentally accepting my situation and the fact that I couldn't always do enough. Learning to live with the feeling of inadequacy almost every day. I tried to be two parents at the same time, but it didn't work. I'm just one.

How did you manage everything?

I became an expert at lists, weekly planning, and not scheduling more than 1-2 important things in a week. This became an important rule to manage everything daily with the children.


You met Anton in "Ensam mamma söker" in 2019, and in 2021 you had your son Albus together. How did you dare to take the step to have a child with a new man given your previous experiences?

I was determined that I didn't want more children. I was scared and didn't want a partner again. But then suddenly Anton was there, he made me feel safe and never gave me a reason to be afraid as I had been before. Suddenly, it just felt like the most obvious thing in the world that we should try to have a child together.

You are now a mother of four. What has parenthood taught you about yourself? What do you hope to pass on to your children?

That things sometimes don't go as planned, but it turns out fine anyway. This is something I really want to pass on to my children in life, that we can handle more than we think.

Do you have any life hacks to share that make everyday life easier?

Set all the clocks in the house one hour ahead so the kids go to bed on time.

Describe your parenting style in three words?

Dynamic, persistent, and empathetic.

Read more about other moms in the series Moms We Love here >