Prisca Kwaning

Name: Prisca Kwaning
Profession: Founder of "The Kind Label" and model for Boob Spring/Summer 2020
Background: Born and raised in Amsterdam with a Dutch mother and a Ghanaian father. Studied a creative course in high school and graduated in editing and media production.
Residence: In Amsterdam (or since this year, a bit outside of Amsterdam), Netherlands
Family: Boyfriend Daan and two daughters, Madé 5 years and Nima 2 years
Instagram: @thekindlabel @priscakwaning

Tell us a little about your journey and how you became the person you are today.

I never knew what I wanted to do or what I wanted to become when I was younger. I'm not a planner; I take life as it comes, day by day. Initially, I studied psychology but quit halfway through and started studying editing and media production instead. After graduating, I worked full-time as a model for a while before finding what I was truly passionate about and started the company The Kind Label.

As a person, I am independent and have a strong mind. I can be very funny and outgoing, but when I am focused, I can also shut myself in the house for an entire day, preferably without any form of communication.

I believe a big part of my journey, who I am and where I am today, has to do with being raised by a single mother. She taught me to be independent and not wait for anyone else. I think that has made me a strong person but sometimes also a bit of a lone wolf, which can come across as a bit harsh and with a clear need for control. The next big phase in my life journey was becoming a mother and fully immersing myself in the role, realizing how enriching it is to primarily focus on someone else.


You are the founder of the company The Kind (@thekindlabel). Tell us more about the idea behind the company and what it looks like today.

Starting The Kind was a logical result of everything I was focused on almost 5 years ago. Since I had just become a mother myself, I began developing products for children. Thanks to my roots, the products are manufactured in Ghana. The range is ethically produced, and the products are kind to both people and the environment, as I am convinced that this is what all companies and production chains should strive for. We must shift to an industry where people's welfare and the ecosystem's health take precedence. The Kind is a creative contribution to that change.

The idea for The Kind began to take shape during my first pregnancy. Starting a company and designing things was completely new to me, so it was all about trying, failing, and not giving up along the way. My goal for The Kind was never, and still isn't, to grow as quickly as possible; I only made decisions that felt natural and adjusted details as we worked, and slowly but surely, the brand began to take shape.

The collection mainly consists of handwoven "Moses baskets," rattan furniture, and plant-dyed textiles. All our products are made from natural materials and in collaboration with small businesses and independent artisans, both men and women, in Ghana. We respect the time it takes to produce each item, and our goal is to create timeless and unique products that will last a long time.

Right now, I am working on opening a showroom in central Amsterdam, which is the next step in our journey. We are growing slowly but steadily, which means we now see more stable demand for the methods our artisans work with. Previously, the artisans experienced weak demand for their products due to the long production time and low returns. Industries and machines are quickly replacing traditional techniques worldwide. I believe it is important to preserve traditional techniques, and that is why I try to work with different local artisans and businesses in various parts of Ghana. It doesn't make the process easier, but it contributes to making a real difference in the long run.

Name three things you wouldn't want to be without in your parenting life.

1. Food in general, haha! Both my daughters, especially Madé, have a very good appetite, and I can't possibly leave the house without bringing some form of healthy snacks.

2. My bike. I don't drive, so I run all my errands with my bike and both kids on it. After we moved a bit outside of Amsterdam, I bought an electric bike, which adds even more flexibility.

3. Baths. Since we don't live in a really warm country, the kids mostly have to be fully dressed. I wasn't so fond of bathing before, but after my daughters came, I realized how beneficial it is for us to take warm baths together.

Do you have any favorite places in Amsterdam or Ghana?

In Amsterdam, I like to be in "Het Amsterdamse Bos," which is Amsterdam's forest. It's not particularly large areas compared to Sweden, for example, but it's still real nature very close to the city. There, you can swim, canoe, or just take long walks in nature.

"De School" is also one of my favorite places. It's a converted school building (hence the name) that houses a really good restaurant, a café, a nightclub, a gym, a gallery, and several creative studios.

In Ghana, my favorite place is probably with my family or in the workshops where the artisans I work with are based. When I was younger, I used to visit Ghana with my dad and my brother, and we stayed in the family house in Tema, a large port city near the capital. When I started The Kind, I mostly traveled to Ghana for work, so I haven't had the opportunity to travel around the entire country yet.

To visit the artisans who weave our Moses baskets, I travel north to the Bolga region near the border with Burkina Faso. Bolga has a completely different vibe than both Tema and the capital Accra. It's both relaxed and traditional. There are no sidewalks, so many errands are done by bike, which surprised me the first time I was there. It's really a lovely atmosphere, and I would also love to explore everything else Ghana has to offer.

What do you hope to pass on to your children?

I hope they feel that I am a safe harbor always there for them and that they will feel that they are always welcome. I want them to live their own lives, make their mistakes, discover things, and make their own decisions. I hope they will be open-minded and feel free and loved.


How do you wish the world to be when your child grows up?

I would wish for the girls to grow up in a world where people show acceptance and respect towards all people and towards Mother Earth and all life here.

What is at the top of your wish list right now?

My biggest wish is to travel around Ghana with my brother and my little family. I'm not sure when I will do it (but I am sure I will do it someday). I would love to plan a free month and just hit the road in Ghana, discovering and learning more about the country my father comes from and where I found my professional joy and passion. Meeting new people and learning more about new crafts.
