Emma Mattsson

Name: Emma Halldén (formerly Mattson)
Occupation: Bikram Yoga teacher and blogger at Damernas Värld
Residence: Vasastan in Stockholm, Sweden
Family: Partner Viktor and a baby on the way!
Instagram: @emmahallden
Currently: Teaching Bikram Yoga at Bikram Yoga City in Stockholm. Blogging on Mama, a lifestyle blog about everything from fashion to training and travel.


Tell us a bit about yourself and how you became the person you are today.

Yoga plays a big role in who I am today. Before I started working full-time teaching Bikram Yoga, I worked for various major fashion companies and a PR agency that mainly dealt with fashion. Unfortunately, I experienced some sharp elbows during my fashion career; I didn’t quite feel at home. During extremely stressful periods and late nights at work, I realized how poorly I felt because I didn’t have time to take care of myself anymore. It was only when I didn’t have time to practice yoga myself that I understood how important it was for me. After a break from everything and a long trip to Australia and Bali, I decided to work with what I love most – Yoga! Since fashion is a big interest of mine, I have my lifestyle blog at Damernas Värld where I mix everything from outfits to training and other thoughts. Yoga, which grounds me, and the blog, which awakens creativity in me, is a wonderful combo and has made me who I am today.

In what environment do you feel most at home?

I feel incredibly comfortable in the yoga studio and at home in our apartment. I am quite good at feeling at home wherever I am, as long as I have loved ones around me.

What have you missed the most during your pregnancy?

Charcuterie and moldy cheeses! Towards the end of my pregnancy, I can also admit that I miss having more energy.

You are a Bikram Yoga teacher among other things. Have you found it beneficial during your pregnancy?

YES! When I’m not teaching myself, I’m in the studio practicing Bikram Yoga. It’s so important for me to move, feel strong, sweat, and focus on my breathing. When I’ve felt tired, clumsy, or overwhelmed by pregnancy hormones, I can honestly say that all ‘pregnancy problems’ are gone after a Bikram session. Yoga is good for both me and my partner (since he gets a happier girlfriend when I’ve done yoga), and I also believe the little one in my belly enjoys it when I move and breathe deeply. I often get some lovely kicks during the sessions.

What are your best tips for other pregnant women?

Don’t take to heart all the comments about your belly or body when you’re pregnant. Many will want to comment on and have opinions about the size of your belly – shake it off, I say!! Invest in comfortable maternity clothes; you’re pregnant for a long time, and having clothes that sit comfortably on your belly is such a luxury. Focus on yourself, treat yourself to pregnancy massages, good food, and don’t forget to stay active!

How do you think about your style and clothes during pregnancy?

I feel like I’ve been able to maintain my personal style quite well during pregnancy. I like basic clothes and oversize fits, so I’ve been able to use some pieces from my ‘normal’ wardrobe even while pregnant. When buying maternity clothes, my thinking has also been that I should be able to use them after pregnancy.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Sustainability for me is about good quality. Materials that are produced safely and environmentally friendly and that last a long time. When it comes to baby clothes, I haven’t bought much new; instead, I’ve borrowed from close friends whose babies have outgrown their clothes – a smart way to reuse garments that aren’t used for long.

What do you hope to pass on to your child?

My curls! And of course, my calm and positive attitude that everything will work out – good things happen to good people.

How do you wish the world to look like for your child to grow up in?

I hope the world looks up from their phones more, that people see each other and help each other. A world that is more here and now, and not so connected and controlled by technology.

What is at the top of your wish list right now?

Right now – an uncomplicated delivery and to come home with the little one to our apartment. To simply start family life.
