Nana Sacko

Name: Nana Sacko
Profession: Natural dyer
Background: Born and raised in Sweden with a mother from Denmark and a father from Mali. Has a background in fashion and has worked as a material coordinator and design assistant. Nana's love for second-hand and natural plant dyes led her to start Sacko – an online store selling upcycled and plant-dyed garments.
Lives: Gothenburg
Family: Husband Henrik and two sons, Loa 4 years old and Ayo 1 year old.
Instagram: @shopsacko


Hello Nana, thank you for talking with us! How are you?

Thank you! I would say I am okay, not great, not bad, but okay.

2020 has been a year of change for many – what has this year taught you?

I've mainly learned never to take anything for granted, to appreciate what I already have, and to remind myself what solidarity means to me. I am grateful for my health and appreciate my freedom now more than ever.

On a more personal level, I felt the need to address certain emotions. Now that the #blacklivesmatter movement and marginalized voices are finally being heard, I have felt overwhelmed by emotions related to being a woman of color growing up in Sweden and how that has shaped me into the person I am today. It affected me as a teenager, and becoming a mother has given me a new perspective. It has been, and still is, an emotional year for me, but at the same time, a year that has given hope that change is coming.

What inspires you?

Charisma! People who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd and embrace who they are. There is nothing more inspiring than seeing someone go their own way instead of following others.

When it comes to creativity, I am inspired by nature, everything that is natural and genuine. I love texture and working with my hands. I am drawn to neutral and earthy colors.

You are a working mom and have your own business "Sacko". Can you tell us more about it?

Yes! I am mostly a mom, but during my maternity leave, I started experimenting with natural dye on my children's clothes and fell in love with the beautiful process. When I became a mom for the second time, I felt very comfortable in the role and had a greater need to do something for myself. One thing led to another, and I ended up launching my own webshop @shopsacko, which specializes in upcycled and plant-dyed clothes.

How do you combine your job with being a mom?

I realized quite early that I should avoid doing too much at once. Trying to work while having my children around me didn't feel harmonious. Instead, it created stress and a feeling of not being enough for anyone. I try to plan my time as well as possible, which currently means many late nights. But when I work, I work, and when I am with my children, I am with my children – and make sure to be fully present in the moment.

What are your tips or routines for finding balance in life?

I find small moments of meditation very valuable in everyday life. Practicing deep breathing in the shower, on the way out, or just before going to bed really helps me to de-stress and clear my mind.

To feel my best, I also need to be physically active. Bikram yoga has worked best for me.

Let's talk about fashion – what are your must-haves in the wardrobe?

Investing in quality basics feels luxurious and helps me feel comfortable with myself.

I am not a bra person, so investing in the perfect top has been important. I love my 24/7 bra from (perfect name by the way). The soft lyocell material feels so good against my sensitive skin, it is easy to access for breastfeeding, and I feel beautiful in the deep V-neck.


What does sustainability mean to you?

A lifestyle and something you can adhere to with a long-term perspective. For me, it means appreciating what I already have, slowing down, and minimizing my own consumption by only investing in what I need and will keep forever.

It is also about raising awareness in our children about how our decisions in life affect the world. We include them in everything from recycling, what we eat, choosing second-hand, how and if we travel, and so on. It's a constant job and mindset of not using more than you need.

You are a mother of two – what do you hope to pass on to your children as they grow older?

I hope to pass on the values of being loving, accepting, and kind. I also hope to instill in them the knowledge that they are loved and that they should feel secure in choosing the life that makes them happiest.

Finally: what advice would you give to expectant or new mothers?

Try to listen to your inner voice and trust that you know how to be a good mom to your child. Give yourself time to grow into the role of a mother, get to know your child and yourself under the new circumstances.

Read more about other mothers in the Moms We Love series here!